
Showing posts from April, 2021

Hongera: Celebrating Kitui's Top KCPE Scholars

Mwinzengi PRI school, 410 mks  Top and below are some of the Kitui's top KCPE scholars who are set to join secondary schools as sent to us by you.  Indeed future leaders. Check them out Kimanzi Franklin Mumo, 387 mks - Bishop Dunne primary  Joseph Musembi, 352 mks Samuel Mumo, 379 mks Grace Mumbe Willy, 352 mks Others who performed well are:  WILLY GRACE MUMBE INDEX: 13360125002 ENG 66B KIS 64B- KSL = = MAT 80A  SCI 75A- SSR 67B TOTAL 352 KNEC HELPLINE 0800724900 NGULUI SAMUEL MUMO INDEX: 13360125009 ENG 75A- KIS 73B+ KSL = = MAT 79A- SCI 74B+ SSR 78A- TOTAL 379 KNEC HELPLINE 0800724900 ROTICH NANCY CHEPLETING INDEX: 13360125004 ENG 54C KIS 56C+ KSL = = MAT 51C SCI 67B SSR 60B- TOTAL 288 KNEC HELPLINE 0800724900 MUSEMBI JOSEPH MUSYOKA INDEX: 13360125001 ENG 79A- KIS 62B- KSL = = MAT 72B+ SCI 74B+ SSR 66B TOTAL 353 KNEC HELPLINE 0800724900 ZAKAYO WILLIAM INDEX: 13360125015 ENG 58C+ KIS 56C+ KSL = = MAT 78A- SCI 75A- SSR 59C+ TOTAL 326 KNEC HELPLINE 0800724900 MUSYOKA ANDREW INDEX: 1

Senator Wambua Whitewashes Competitors In Poll

With the next election just few months away, senator Kiio Wambua has maintained an unassailable lead ahead of his competitors who are wobbling behind, according to the latest opinion poll.  The online opinion poll that was concluded yesterday placed senator Wambua at 65.73 percent of the respondents, making him the most popular and liked candidate for senatorial seat come 2022.  His closest competitor is Mwingi lawyer Nyamu Mati who scrapped a miserable 18.7 percent followed by Allan Sila who garnered a measly 4.31 percent.  Other pretenders to the throne were Julius Mutukaa who also managed 4 percent and Stephen Kilonzo who was dismissed with 3 percent by the respondents. The respondents were drawn from the 8 constituencies of the vast county.  What was interesting however was that the poll was organized by Senator Wambua's competitors who even went ahead to bribe their would be supporters to vote in their favour.  Sadly, the opinion poll left the pretenders with an egg all over t