
Showing posts from April, 2023

Umaa Dam Revival; Malombe's Skillful Lobbying

Governor Julius Malombe, EGH Our Reporter   The National Government has undertaken to revive and complete the stalled Umaa dam project in Kitui Central following the timely intervention of Governor Julius Malombe. Dr. Malombe hosted the Water Permanent Secretary Paul Rono a month ago where he lobbied for the revival of the stalled mega dam. The governor who later took the PS on a tour of the stalled project noted that its completion will provide water to tens of thousands of people in Kitui town and its environs.  The dam project stalled under the watch of Kaluki Ngilu when she served as Water Minister and Kitui Central MP. Curiously during her time as governor, she made no efforts to revive the dam.  PS Rono praised Governor Malombe for coming up with a comprehensive water programme that will make the county water secure through constructing water pans, sand dams, mini dams and boreholes across the vast county. "I am impressed by the Governor's water programme to make provid

Ditch Raila Now, Prepare for 2027 - Kalonzo Advised

Campbell Munyambu - He wants Kalonzo to ditch Raila Kalonzo Must De-link himself from Raila   A passionate call has been put forth for Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka to cut political ties with ODM leader Raila Odinga and start preparing for his presidential bid in 2027. The appeal was made by Mwingi professionals forum coordinator Campbell Munyambu who says that all indications are that Raila will never support Kalonzo for the top seat. To regain his political muscle, Munyambu argues that Kalonzo should forthwith de-associate himself with Odinga and start mobilizing his troops in preparation for taking a stab at the presidency in 2027. " From his body language and actions, all signals point to a Raila who is not willing and ready to support Kalonzo for presidency. This is despite Kalonzo having supported him for three consecutive presidential elections, " observes Munyambu.  And from this perspective, the professional argues that Kalonzo stands a better chance politically