
Showing posts from June, 2023

Donating Blood Saves Lives - Says CO Ben Musyoka

Medical Services CO Ben Musyoka speaking during World Blood Donor day on Wednesday  By Our Reporter   KITUI county department of health commemorated the World Blood Donor day 2023 at the New Out-Patient grounds yesterday.  Quite a number of Kitui county residents turned up to donate blood to help those that might be in need.  Speaking during the event on behalf of his boss, Medical Services Chief Officer Dr. Benson Musyoka commended the volunteers who turned up to donate blood, saying such selfless acts go a long way in saving lives. Dr. Musyoka noted that the event provided an opportune moment for Kenyans to donate blood in order to stock health facilities' blood banks.  While appealing to Kitui residents to embrace the act of routinely donating blood, the chief officer pointed out that blood was a key element in the delivery of health services.  " The commemoration today is to provide an opportunity to celebrate and thank voluntary blood donors in Kitui, in Kenya and indeed

We Shall Deliver Comprehensive Healthcare Services for All - Says CO Kamba

  Chief Officer Aggrey Kamba Our Reporter The Chief Officer in charge of Drugs and Medical Supplies at the County Department of Health and Sanitation Aggrey Kamba has reiterated the county government's commitment to work closely with development partners in an effort to deliver comprehensive healthcare services to the County residents.  Speaking when he graced a two day meeting organized by Program for appropriate Technology in health (PATH) and Tools for integrated management childhood illness (TIMCI), the chief officer guaranteed the partners of the County government's solid support.  “ The new administration under Governor Julius Malombe applauds you for the commendable work you are doing in health. The health department will reciprocate with the same magnitude to ensure health services are delivered to our people across the county.” Kamba said.  Dr. Malombe's administration has restored the confidence in development partners who have shown every indication of support