We Shall Deliver Comprehensive Healthcare Services for All - Says CO Kamba


Chief Officer Aggrey Kamba

Our Reporter

The Chief Officer in charge of Drugs and Medical Supplies at the County Department of Health and Sanitation Aggrey Kamba has reiterated the county government's commitment to work closely with development partners in an effort to deliver comprehensive healthcare services to the County residents. 

Speaking when he graced a two day meeting organized by Program for appropriate Technology in health (PATH) and Tools for integrated management childhood illness (TIMCI), the chief officer guaranteed the partners of the County government's solid support. 

The new administration under Governor Julius Malombe applauds you for the commendable work you are doing in health. The health department will reciprocate with the same magnitude to ensure health services are delivered to our people across the county.” Kamba said. 

Dr. Malombe's administration has restored the confidence in development partners who have shown every indication of support, including even pumping funds in the County to deliver development programmes. 

This is informed by Governor Malombe strong stance against corruption and transparency in running the county affairs. 

At the same time, Chief Officer Kamba underscored the role of development partners in advancing the cause of development.

"We welcome development partners to come in and support government programs, either through funding or training or in whichever capacity," Kamba noted.

The TIMCI project is being implemented in Kitui, Kakamega, and Uasin Gishu Counties. 

The project aims at improving primary healthcare providers with skills to diagnose severe disease by equipping them with Pulse Oximeter (PO) and Electronic clinical decision support algorithms (eCDSA) and enhance the development and market entry of non-invasive devices.

The two day meeting was organized by county reproductive maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health (RMNCAH) coordinator Christine Sammy and supported by PATH. 


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