
Showing posts from August, 2021

PREFERENCE POLL: Who Is Most Preferred Candidate Per Voter Category?

Which gubernatorial candidate is most popular; among the   youth, women, men, business community, the church and religious groups   in Kitui?   Our team has, over the last 3 weeks been doing sampling on popularity of all the 5 gubernatorial candidates. The preference rating was first done countywide, by sampling among each of the 5 groupings.   The results are out, as below.    Preference rating:                                        Among women voters Charity Ngilu                 12 % Dr Julius Malombe        58 % David Musila                  16 %   Kiema Kilonzo                9 % Jonathan Mueke             5 %   (In this category, who form the bulk of the voters, Dr Malombe was highly preferred, with a favourable rating of 58%. David Musila came a distant second with a preferential rating of 16% among the women voters. Curiously, Ngilu performed dismally among the women voters at 12%, with majority of the women respondents saying she uses the gender card to fool women and enrich

Water MD On Spot For Spending Millions In Machakos To Bribe Tender Committee

Embattled kitonga Kitwasco MD Kitonga Kiita is a man on the spot for spending a colossal amount of money to book the company's tender and evaluation committee at an expensive Machakos hotel. The aim of the Machakos outing for the tender and evaluation committee is so as to bribe the members in order to prequalify several companies that are operated by the MD through proxies and others that belong to his close relatives.  The besieged MD who works in cahoots with the HR manager, the aged Albanus Mutisya to squander public money in questionable deals  is reported to have used millions of shillings to book the committee at a Machakos hotel where the members will also receive hefty allowances.  Our desk established that Kitonga has given out a list of companies to be prequalified, among them St Brian Stores Company that is owned by his cousin. These are the companies that will be used to loot Kitwasco dry even as Kitui residents suffer due to shortage of water while the company's w