Water MD On Spot For Spending Millions In Machakos To Bribe Tender Committee

Embattled kitonga

Kitwasco MD Kitonga Kiita is a man on the spot for spending a colossal amount of money to book the company's tender and evaluation committee at an expensive Machakos hotel.

The aim of the Machakos outing for the tender and evaluation committee is so as to bribe the members in order to prequalify several companies that are operated by the MD through proxies and others that belong to his close relatives. 

The besieged MD who works in cahoots with the HR manager, the aged Albanus Mutisya to squander public money in questionable deals  is reported to have used millions of shillings to book the committee at a Machakos hotel where the members will also receive hefty allowances. 

Our desk established that Kitonga has given out a list of companies to be prequalified, among them St Brian Stores Company that is owned by his cousin. These are the companies that will be used to loot Kitwasco dry even as Kitui residents suffer due to shortage of water while the company's workers never receive pay rise. 

"Yeah it is true we have the Kitui delegation as guests in our facility. They will be here for few days...." said a source at the expensive Machakos hotel, promising to send us pictures.

Our desk also established that Kitonga opted to take the tender committee to a Machakos hotel after negotiating a good kickback from the facility, in comparison to local hotels in Kitui county. Curiously, Kitwasco generates its revenue by selling water expensively to Kitui residents, yet the same revenue is being used to enrich Machakos cartels. 

Our moles have also established that the sickly  HR grandpa Mr Mutisya is also attending the Machakos looting bonanza after securing himself hefty per diems for the days he will be in Machakos.

Evidence shows that Mutisya has tinkered with the payroll at Kitwasco and he earns 3 times his designated salary, in a scheme meant to siphon funds from the struggling water company. 

Mr Kitonga on his part is reported to have tinkered with his contract that is supposed to run for 3 years, adding himself 2 more illegal years and making his contract to be a 5 year term, after the death of the precious board chairman.

The MD brags how he has pocketed the new board, describing most of the members as  illiterate who must do his bidding. 

The monumental looting at the struggling Kitwasco is coming only weeks after the company's management failed to account for hundreds of millions of  shillings given for drought mitigation from national drought management authority. 

Does the county ministry of water know the looting frenzy happening at Kitwasco? 

Grandpa Mutisya

To follow: More on the embattled MD and his siphoning schemes


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