Raila is Not fit for AU - says Campbell Munyambu


Our Reporter

Raila Odinga's Africa Union Commission chairmanship bid which is seemingly headed for a crushing doom has received cold water from the coordinator of Mwingi professionals Forum Mr Campbell Munyambu.

Addressing the press today in Mwingi town, Mr Munyambu stated that the AU chairmanship position needs a man of admirable diplomacy and acceptable character, which Raila lacks.

Mr Munyambu pointed out that Raila lacks the requisite credentials to head the AU commision, adding that in Africa, Raila has earned the dubious fame of being a warmonger and lacking in consistency.

"Looking at Raila Odinga from all fronts, he does not posses the right qualities for that position. Raila is a warmonger and a divisive figure. His leadership is likely to brew animosity across the continent and beyond" Mr Munyambu said. 

Mr Campbell Munyambu

He urged the Kenya Kwanza government to stop squandering public resources in the name of hawking Raila's candidature across the region and focus on more beneficial projects for Kenyans.

The professional remarked that Raila has lost all the trust and credibility, particularly after taking advantage of GenZ protests and riding on their blood to squeeze himself into government.

"Raila has proven to be a self seeker and a turncoat. He fights for his own stomach and his small band of blind worshipers" Munyambu charged.

He explained that if Ruto's administration was keen on wining the AU chairmanship position for Kenya, it would have propelled Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka who has long standing track record in diplomacy, and conflict resolution and management, both in Kenya and outside. 

"Kalonzo is a decorated top diplomat and stands tall in qualifications as compared to Raila. Kenyans know that Raila is not qualified for that position, over 70 percent of them do not support his candidature" he emphasized. 

At the same time, Mr Munyambu has urged the Wiper leader and former vice president to detach himself from the ODM perennial loser and chart his own political path ahead of 2027 elections as the defacto leader of the official opposition. 

He insisted that the aged ODM leader is an ungrateful betrayer, and advised  Kalonzo should not waste any more time hanging around him.


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