PREFERENCE POLL: Who Is Most Preferred Candidate Per Voter Category?

Which gubernatorial candidate is most popular; among the youth, women, men, business community, the church and religious groups in Kitui?


Our team has, over the last 3 weeks been doing sampling on popularity of all the 5 gubernatorial candidates. The preference rating was first done countywide, by sampling among each of the 5 groupings.


The results are out, as below. 

 Preference rating:                                    

Among women voters

Charity Ngilu                 12 %

Dr Julius Malombe        58 %

David Musila                  16 % 

Kiema Kilonzo                9 %

Jonathan Mueke             5 %


(In this category, who form the bulk of the voters, Dr Malombe was highly preferred, with a favourable rating of 58%. David Musila came a distant second with a preferential rating of 16% among the women voters. Curiously, Ngilu performed dismally among the women voters at 12%, with majority of the women respondents saying she uses the gender card to fool women and enrich herself without looking at the welfare of fellow women in the county.)


Among the male voters 

Charity Ngilu                 15 %

Dr Julius Malombe        62 %

David Musila                  17 %

Kiema Kilonzo                  3 %

Jonathan Mueke              3 %


(Men seemed to strongly support and have faith in Dr Malombe, giving him a favourable rating of 62% followed distantly by Musila who scrapped only 17% liking. Kiema and Mueke were the least favoured.)


Among the County youth 

Charity Ngilu                34 %

Dr Julius Malombe       38 %

David Musila                 3 %

Kiema Kilonzo               9 %

Jonathan Mueke           16 %


(Among this group of voters, Charity Ngilu seemed to go head to head with Dr Malombe with a preferential rating of 34 % for Ngilu and 38 % for Dr Malombe. Mueke came third with a preferential rating of 16% while Kiema Kilonzo and David Musila were the least favoured. Musila came last, with majority of the county youth saying they don’t resonate with his dogmatic aspirations. Others felt he is not approachable. Yet a good number said Kiema is good in fooling the youth with empty promises but has no idea/agenda/goodwill to improve their lot or fulfill his promises.)


Among the church and religious groups


Charity Ngilu                14 %                                             

Dr Julius Malombe       59 %

David Musila                 20 %

Kiema Kilonzo               4 %

Jonathan Mueke            3 %


(In this segment of voters, Dr Malombe took the lead with a preferential rating of 59%. Majority of the interviewees said he is believable, and his promises are bankable. Musila took a second position with 20% preferential rating, with Ngilu taking a third distant position, with some saying Ngilu cannot be trusted. Kiema and Mueke were the least preferred in this category.)


Among the business community in Kitui County.


Charity Ngilu                 34 %

Dr Julius Malombe        55 %

David Musila                    7 %

Kiema Kilonzo                 3%

 Jonathan Mueke             1 %


(Among this pool of voters, Dr Malombe and Ngilu were the highly favoured, but Dr Malombe took the lead with a favourable rating of 55% against Ngilu’s 34%. Most of the respondents said they believed in Malombe’s leadership style that had a steady and positive impact and effect on their businesses. A good number felt that Ngilu had killed businesses and was only working with a small clique of cartels. Musila, Kiema and Mueke received dismal acceptability in this category, with majority saying they have no idea what the trio stand for).

  Coming Up: The preferential rating per constituency? Who is the most preferred candidate in each of the 8 constituencies?  Why? Stay tuned. Leave your comment. 


  1. May God hear cries of kitui residents ,and answer them accordingly .

    Again let's educate our people back at home on importance of voting ,let advice them to vote a leader with vision but not money given to them.

  2. The survey and prefential rating has no impact to my opinion it was done by one party in favour of a particular identity for good sake it should have a reflection of the last election results for comparison and come up with a resoluted ration.

    1. Why last election & not 2013 elections? What matters is people opinion now concerning 2022. This can also change by end of the year or early next year.

  3. Sycophants of Ngilu's enemies will always waste time trying to underestimate Ngilu but within a short while according to facts on the ground they'll be shocked by results come 2022 !

  4. Hon. Charity kaluki ngilu is a seasoned politician. She's charismatic and will shock you. Time for campaign is coming. She knows how to woh the voters

  5. Nobody will beat NGILU waiy and see

  6. Chuma is the preferred candidate come 2022

  7. This poll amazes me. What's wrong with the youths really? Hawaoni matatizo ya uongozi mbaya?

  8. 𝙆𝙖𝙫𝙖𝙖 𝙆𝙮𝙪𝙢𝙖 100 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚𝙨. 𝘿𝙧. 𝙠𝙞𝙫𝙞𝙡𝙖 𝙩𝙪𝙠𝙖𝙚𝙣𝙚𝙣𝙜𝙚 𝙬𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙚𝙮𝙚 𝙣𝙖 𝙬𝙞𝙖 𝙬𝙖𝙠𝙪 𝙤 𝙫𝙖𝙡𝙖 𝙬𝙖𝙩𝙮𝙞𝙞𝙡𝙞𝙚

  9. Everybody take initiative educate others , show them what Malombe did.
    Malombe is the man don't be worried.

  10. The polls meanings nothing on the ground things are different come 2022 will see it. Malombe failed in past with wiper ticket and he was sitting governor in that time coming third.He can't win mark my words.

  11. The survey is incorrect for it seems to be a directed one in favour of a particular candidate for if it was a real one the gaps in their categories of judging could not be that much bigger comparing with the last general election of 2017 results


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