Kalonzo Will Be The King, Not Kingmaker

Campbell Munyambu

A section of Mwingi professionals have moved in to quickly correct the narrative that Wiper party boss Kalonzo Musyoka is now set to be a kingmaker in the forthcoming presidential elections. 

Speaking on their behalf, Mwingi professionals coordinator Campbell Munyambu said contrary to this opinion, Kalonzo will be a king by himself in August polls.

Munyambu said that now that ANC leader Musalia Mudavadi is out of the way, Kalonzo stands a better chance of crafting a strong third alliance that would propel him to the presidency since he is likeable among majority Kenyans.

"Kalonzo is not going to be a kingmaker in this elections, rather he will be himself the king. It is high time that Kenyans supported him to realize corruption-free leadership and peace and stability in the country," Munyambu said while addressing the press in Mwingi town. 

He dismissed ODM leader Raila Odinga who has crafted the Azimio Movement as a spend force who has been rejected by Kenyans 4 times and is set to be rejected again. 

At the same time, Munyambu noted that deputy president William Ruto is tainted with graft issues, adding that the DP is tribal, toxic and greedy for power. 

For these reasons, the professional stated that there is no reason whatsoever for the Wiper party leader to support either of the two. 

"Kalonzo's political future lies in going all the way to the ballot. What he needs to do is to bring together other leaders who do not agree with the two protagonists. This way he will show Kenyans the way," he pointed out. 

Munyambu further noted that Kenyans are fatigued by Raila's candidature whom he said can not be trusted with power owing to his conduct during the grand coalition government where he spent his time rocking the Mwai Kibaki administration. 

He also pointed out that Ruto, after getting his share of the the jubilee top positions, he awarded his tribal cronies and even forgot some Kamba leaders who were allied to him. 

"His bottom up nonsense must be rejected because he has contributed to the sinking of Kenyans to that bottom. As a president, he can only sink Kenyans further, beyond the bottom," Munyambu said.

"Kalonzo is the best choice for Kenyans. He is not corrupt and he is God fearing and a peace maker. Kenyans now have a chance to make the right choice," he added.

Kalonzo & Gideon Moi after walking out of Mudavadi's set up meeting. 

He noted that Mudavadi's claimed earthquake served to consume him and his handy boy, the Kakamega senator Cleo Malala whom he said are now finished politically.


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