3 Ukambani Governors Have No Clout

Mr Campbell Munyambu 

The three Ukambani Governors who are purporting to have ganged up against Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka have been smoked out of their hideout. 

The three; Charity Ngilu, Kivutha Kibwana and Alfred Mutua have been dismissed as a three tier evil that is making political noise for political preservation.

Mwingi Professionals Forum Coordinator Campbell Munyambu says the three are seeking for political survival and notes that their bid to divide the Kamba community has backfired. 

Munyambu who spoke to reporters in Mwingi town reiterates that the Kamba community -  in Ukambani and in the diaspora is firmly behind Kalonzo Musyoka since he has proven to be a reliable leader over the years. 

"These governors are chasing after the wind. They don't have the people with them. Kibwana and Mutua are looking for political survival after the expiry of their terms. Ngilu is a thief who has looted Kitui county coffers and is looking for protection from Raila. She knows she cannot be re-elected," Munyambu stated.

He noted that despite the constant bashing from the three governors, Kalonzo stands tall as the best suited candidate to succeed president Uhuru Kenyatta. 

He noted that Kalonzo should go all the way to the ballot, stating that Raila Odinga has proven unreliable during the two elections that the Kamba community supported him.

"If Raila is relying on the 3 governors to get the Kamba vote, then he is in for a rude shock. Kalonzo is stronger than ever before and the people know their leader," he added.

Four days ago, the 3 governors assembled a crowd of hirelings pretending to be professionals who met in Machakos and where they pretended to have resolved that the Kamba community supports Raila's Azimio la Umoja.


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