Song & Dance In Miambani As Malombe Meets Grassroots Leaders

Kyuma @Miambani

There was song and dance in Miambani ward yesterday when Kitui's development icon Dr Julius Malombe paid a visit to the area grassroots leaders .

The team that included men and women drawn from different walks of life received Malombe with colourful songs and a confirmation that the ward was solidly behind his people driven candidature. 

Malombe assured the grassroot leaders that he was in the race to win, having responded to Kitui people's call to serve the county as governor. 

The message from the attendants  was all clear; that Kaluki Ngilu must be rooted out for incurable incompetence and looting of county resources with reckless abandon. 

"Malombe nowe utonya county ii. Twinake mbaka mwisho," the vowed.

Check out the exhilarating songs in the videos below. Kyuma all the way .... 


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