Without Kalonzo, Raila Will Lose - Says Top Professional

Campbell Munyambu

A reknown Mwingi professional has warned that Raila Odinga risks losing the Kamba vote and eventually losing the presidential election should he not pick Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka as his running mate.

Campbell Munyambu who is also a political analyst noted that even in the last two presidential elections the Kamba community voted for Raila only because Kalonzo supported him. 

He stated that without Kalonzo's support, Raila will lose the presidential election.

"The Kamba vote is now well over 2 million. This is what Raila risks to lose if he doesn't pick Kalonzo as his deputy. If that happens it therefore means he will lose the presidential election," Munyambu observed.

He urged the ODM leader to stop playing hard ball, saying that he should be grateful that Kalonzo and the Kamba community had twice supported his presidential bid. 

"The least he can do as a matter of gratitude is to name Kalonzo as his running mate. No Kalonzo no Kamba vote for Raila," noted Munyambu, a close ally of the Wiper party leader. 

Don't joke, Kalonzo tells Raila 

At the same time, the professional dismissed as defeatist the move by outgoing Kitui governor Kaluki Ngilu to try and upstage Kalonzo at the national stage. 

He observed that Ngilu's move to endorse Martha Karua as Raila's deputy is meant to slight and demean Kalonzo. 

"Ngilu knows she is un-electable in Kitui for running down the county. She is bitter and wants to spoil for Kalonzo but she will only end up spoiling for Raila " he noted. 

Meanwhile Campbell Munyambu has thanked the Wiper leadership for issuing a direct ticket to Dr. Julius Malombe to vie for Kitui governor's seat, saying Malombe is best suited to return the county to the path of development. 

"Malombe is development conscious and his work is out there for all to see. He is not a self seeker like others competing against him. His development tentacles cut across all regions of the county unlike other village leaders vying for the seat" Munyambu opined.


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