Revealed: Meet Dr. Malombe's Running Mate

Mr Kanani, Dr Malombe's running mate 

Dr Julius Malombe has chosen Augustine Wambua Kanani from Mumoni in Mwingi North as his running mate ahead of August 9 polls.

Mr Kanani is a reputed economist and a banker of long standing with over 26 years of working experience.

His name and that of Dr.Malombe were forwarded to IEBC by Wiper party's National Elections Board on May 16th, 2022 

Mr. Kanani emerged the top candidate out of 22 that were shortlisted. 

He made it to the top after a rigorous consultative vetting process conducted by an independent panel that shortlisted 22 candidates reflecting the face of Kitui County.

In his speech, Dr Malombe said that he was confident in Mr. Kanani’s ability to work selflessly for all the people of Kitui County to ensure equitable development and inclusive service delivery to reclaim and transform Kitui County. 

In his acceptance speech as Dr.Malombe’s running mate, Mr. Kanani said he is grateful for the opportunity to play his part in rallying and unifying the people of Kitui County towards realizing their aspirations. 

"I'm grateful to the governor for showing confidence in me. I promise to work together to reclaim the lost glory of our great county," the running mate  said.

Dr Malombe said he remains committed to offering a Transformative, Inclusive, Equitable, Consultative, Participatory and steward leadership which is Development Guaranteed. 

At Homeland News, we take this opportunity to wish Mr. Kanani all the best in his journey to work for the people of Kitui county.


  1. Congratulations. This is a big step Bro. We are behind you.


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