Homeland News Says It's Malombe

~ Having carefully examined the decadence and looting visited upon Kitui county by the corrupt and incompetent Kaluki Ngilu and her cartels, Homeland News, just like everybody else in the county has been yearning for true and sober leadership. 

~ We have carefully examined the 3 candidates running for governor and run a robust background check on each of them.

~ Truth be told, Dr. Malombe stands tall. If Kitui people want a governor who will initiate true projects that directly impact the mwananchi, then it is Dr. Malombe.

~ If the county residents are looking for a governor who will give life to the dead health sector, if they are looking for a governor who is not corrupt and one who will prudently manage the county resources, then that person is Dr. Malombe.

~ If the county residents are looking for a leader who is fair, sober, a meticulous planner and a man of great integrity, it is Dr. Malombe.

~ At Homeland News, we are not ashamed to endorse - consciously and forthrightly - Dr. Malombe for governor, Kitui county.

~ Tomorrow, let's head to the polling stations with straight face and focused mind. Let's elect Kyuma.


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