Migwani Town Comes to Standstill As Dr. Temi's Mum Is Laid to Rest

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Dr. Temi's departed mum was laid to rest over the weekend in a colorful ceremony that brought mourners from far and wide.

Migwani Town came to a standstill as thousands of people from all walks of life stopped their normal weekend activities to pay their last respects to the late Margaret Mutave Mutia, a respected family matriarch who had enjoyed warm relationship with her relatives, friends and neighbours for decades. 

The funeral ceremony was held at Migwani AIC Primary School and was presided over by Bishop Syuma of the AIC Church.

Addressing mourners during the ceremony Bishop Syuma urged the family of the late Margaret Mutia to emulate the virtues instilled to them by the family matriarch by which the late Margaret lived.

Dr. Temi, a value chain specialist, respected strategist and a scholar of great reputation thanked those who stood with the family during the bereavement and offered support in various forms.

"As a family we remain eternally grateful to friends and colleagues who have stood with us both in prayer, condolences and even offered material support to give our mother a decent send off," Dr. Temi said.

Mama Margaret passed on at Coptic Hospital in Nairobi last week where she was undergoing treatment.


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