I'm Committed to Clean Up Ngilu's Mess - Malombe Tells Assembly

Governor Malombe is welcomed by Speaker Kinengo

Our Reporter

Kitui governor Dr. Julius Malombe has reiterated his commitment to clean up the county mess left behind by his predecessor Charity Ngilu.

In his speech during the inaugural opening of the 3rd Assembly Sitting, Governor Malombe urged the Assembly Members (MCAs) to join him in salvaging the county that was left in tatters by the collapsed Mbee nzei regime that was known for theft and pilferage. 

Dr. Malombe noted that both arms of the County Government are joined at the hip for a development cause, adding that through mutual collaboration and cordial working relationship, the county residents will benefit through life changing projects. 

Frugal use of resources

The Governor called on the County Executive and the County Assembly to exercise frugal use of public resources in the wake of the biting drought ravaging the arid and semi arid county.

He said every shilling from the public purse should be used for maximum benefit of the county residents.

“Our County is among some of those that are being ravaged by severe drought. The two arms of the County Government must therefore ensure frugal use of public resources while placing the interest of the people first,” the Governor stated in his speech.

“The failure of one arm means the failure of the other. We must therefore embrace teamwork and mutual consultations so as to ensure that our people are served well,” the Governor added. 

Back breaking pending bills

The Governor revealed in his speech that he has inherited a whooping Sh2.4 billion in pending bills, an amount that would make significant economic impact if it is ploughed into development programs.

Curious among these pending bills is a colossal amount of Ksh68 million in outstanding legal fees! Which court cases was Kitui county government defending? Against who? What are these legal undertakings? It is highly suspected that Ngilu enlisted the services of phantom law firms to steal from the public. 

Taskforce to probe, alert DCI

To clean up the mess and restore accountability, Governor Malombe has formed a task-force to investigate the validity and genuineness of the huge bills. Are they genuine or fraudulent? 

The team chaired by Nicholas Muthui is expected to advise and guide on settlement of the genuine pending bills. Any fraudulent claims will be forwarded to the EACC and DCI for action against the crooks. 

Governor Malombe informed the House that the Executive has prepared a supplementary budget with an allocation of Sh1.8 billion to cater for the pending bills and an additional Sh1.5 billion to initiate development programmes under his 100 days’ interventions.

Priorities for 100 days 

Some of the key development priorities within 100 days include stocking health facilities with drugs and consumables, addressing food insecurity, initiating cash for work to address unemployment in the county as well as providing certified seeds to farmers in preparation for the October – December short rains.

Other areas of priority are payment of salaries on time for all county employees and completion of stalled projects such as Kangu Kangu water project in Kitui South among others.

Salaries on time as staff gain weight

 Already the county employees have received their salaries on time the last two months. A good number of them are reported to be gaining weight and families are happy. 

"The staff morale is picking up. We are good..." quipped one of the staff members. 

Malombe urged the County Assembly to expedite the process of vetting and approving members of the County Executive in order to fast track the process of service delivery.

 Already 16 positions have been advertised for Chief Officers with nominees for CECMs expected to be tabled in the Assembly anytime. 

Others areas of priority for the governor within 100 days include committing ECDE teachers to the scheme of service and transiting then to permanent & pensionable terms, reinstatement of Community Health Volunteers and converting them to Community Health Workers, reinstatement of cleaners in towns and markets as well as rehabilitation of street & security lights among others. 


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