No More Theft of Revenue - Says Governor Malombe


Our Reporter 

Governor Julius Malombe has mooted plans to automate all revenue collection streams in the county. 

The governor says the move is geared towards ensuring that all the revenue collected is accounted for and does not dissapear into people's pockets. 

“We shall put up a very tight system to ensure there are no leakages in revenue collection. Every shilling that will be collected as part of revenue will be accounted for and put into good use,” governor Malombe announced today while meeting the Commission on Revenue Allocation (CRA) in his office.

The commission was led by its chairperson Dr. Jane Kiringai.

During the corrupt mbee nzei regime that was evicted by Kitui residents, Revenue collection was the main cash cow for mbee nzei thieves and cartels who would stash the money in cartons and store it in their bedrooms.

Governor Malombe has said that such theft of revenue will be a thing of the past once the automation system is completed.

The highest revenue collected during Ngilu's time was an estimated Sh400 million yet the county has a potential to raise close to Sh1 billion in revenue per year. 

Meanwhile, the CRA has announced that about 50 identified marginalized locations in the county will receive Sh500 million from the Equilazation Fund.

According to madam Jane Kiringai, this money is meant to fast track development in those regions which have been identified in Mwingi North, Kitui East and Kitui South. 

Equilization Fund gives a kick to marginalized regions to initiate development projects and bring citizens in those regions at par with other average Kenyans.


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