No Room for Ngilu Con Games - Profesionals tell Nganga

Campbell Munyambu 

No Room for Ngilu Con games - Profesionals tell Nganga

Our Reporter 

Kaluki's Ngilu's disgraced minority leader in the County Assembly one Alex Nganga who has been howling in bars like a deranged ape has been called to order.

Mr. Campbell Munyambu, who is the coordinator for Mwingi Professionals Forum and Business Community explained that Nganga is being used by Ngilu to sabotage  Governor Malombe's government.

Addressing the media in Mwingi town Friday, Munyambu stated that the people of Kitui County who elected Dr. Malombe overwhelmingly will not allow Ngilu to sneak back through her orphaned drinking mates like Nganga.

"We never heard Nganga say anything for 5 years that Ngilu raped Kitui county and stole from the public. The MCA was actually part of the Ngilu cartels who brought the county to its knees," Munyambu said.

He added that the County residents now have faith in Dr. Malombe to deliver on his manifesto.

For instance, Mr. Munyambu explained  that the governor has so far stocked all health facilities with medicine and non pharmaceutical commodities. During Ngilu's time, she stole all the health budget as the withering Nganga remained comatose in his drunken stupor.  

"Again the county workers are being paid on time. This is progress and we shall not allow disgruntled elements like Nganga to derail a Government that is working," Munyambu charged. 

"During Ngilu's misrule, a lot of people lost their lives because they could not get proper treatment in hospitals. Ngilu and Nganga actually have human blood in their hands. They should bury their heads in shame" Munyambu added.

Speaker Katisya Kinengo advised 

At the same time, the professional advised County Assembly Speaker Kevin Kinengo not to be sucked into Nganga and Ngilu's evil politics. He said Kinengo should embrace sobriety and impartiality in his leadership in the House.

Munyambu advised the Speaker to afford the MCAs an opportunity to vet Governor Malombe's CECs and conclude the process soonest in order to allow the officers join the governor in serving wananchi.

"Speaker Kinengo should be careful not to be recruited into Ngilu - Nganga backward and blackmail politics. Kitui residents are thirsty for development and won't tolerate extortionists who stands on its way," clarified Munyambu.  

Speaker Katisya warned against Ngilu's voodoo politics 

Orphaned Ngilu's drinking mate Alex Nganga who has been yelling endlessly bars


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