Unanimous Endorsement for Governor Malombe's Nominees

The cabinet nominees

Our Reporter

Unanimous Endorsement for Governor Malombe's Nominees

The list of County Cabinet nominees currently before the County Assembly has received unanimous endorsement from Kitui County residents.

The county residents have roundly praised the list of nominees as a proper representation of the vast Kitui County, saying that Governor Malombe has picked a representative from all facets of the heterogeneous society.

Clever balancing act ... 

The residents have cited regional and gender balance, noting that the Governor had picked from all the 8 constituencies while at the same time bringing on board a good number of women to the Executive Committee. 

Among the 10 nominees, six are men while four are women. 

Some vast constiencies such as Kitui South and Kitui East got two slots each, attracting praises from residents of those regions who have thanked Governor Malombe for generously including them into his government. 

Kitui South is represented by Peter Kilonzo alias Tangawizi from Athi Ward and Richard Mwendandu from Ikanga/Kyatune ward.

In Kitui East, Dr. Malombe picked Engineer Reuben Itiko from Chuluni Ward and Joyce Kasyoka Titus from Zombe ward. 

Time for the youth...

Governor Malombe has also been praised for  scoring highly in including the youths in his administration by picking Phoebe Mutemi from Kyome/Thaana Ward to head the Culture, Gender, Youth, ICT, Sports & Social Services department.

 Another youth representative in Governor Malombe's administration is Stephen Mbaya from Kivou Ward who was nominated to head the Agriculture & Livestock department.

Tharaka community smiles ...

The marginalized Tharaka community in Mwingi North also got something to celebrate about after Dr. Malombe nominated Peter Nkunda to head the department of Water & Irrigation. 

"Clearly, the Governor had proven to be extremely fair and balanced in his pick of the nominees. We have no complaints whatsoever. We are only waiting for the County Assembly to vet and approve the names to allow the Governor deliver on his mandate," stated Dominic Katonyi from Mwangeni in Kitui South.

Former Councillor Wambua from Kitui East also weighed in on the matter by saying that Dr. Malombe has proven beyond any doubt that he means well for the people of the County.

"Look at the list of the nominees and you will easily see the face of Kitui County. What more can we ask for," Councillor Wambua remarked.


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