Mali Safi: Tyaa Wendo Talents Bonanza

One of the beauties who showcased her talent at Tyaa Wendo Gardens 

By Savethi Musili

This coming Friday, 30th December all roads will lead to Tyaa Wendo Gardens for a colourful Youth Talents Promotion (YTP) bonanza.

The event will bring together rare kienyeji beauties only available this side of Ukambani as youth from all walks of life troop to Tyaa Wendo Gardens- Mwingi, to showcase their talents.

The event is organized by  YTP in conjunction with Tyaa Wendo Gardens which is owned by kiongozi Dr. Temi Mutia  and is aimed at bringing out  the immense talents found amongst many of our youth

The tantalizing event will kick off from 9.00 AM to 4.00PM. The youth will showcase various talents including:

~ Music;

~ Dance

~ Comedy

~ Fashion Show/Catwalks 

~ Spoken word

~ Poems 

Among others.

During the event, there will be various fabulous prizes to be won - among them TV sets, Hoofers, and Gift Vouchers of different values. 

 Entrance Fee

Competitors = Kshs.100/-

Adults - kshs. 200/-

Children - kshs.50/-

 The Lead Promotors are 

Racheal (a.k.a Kadogo)

Ken (a.k.a Suberboy)

George (a.k.a  MC - Kipenzi Cha Mic)

The first Talents Search event was held at Tyaa Wendo Gardens about two months ago which turned out to be a big success as youths exhibited their talents in music, dance, comedy, fashion show and others. 

It was attended by over 500 people.

Dr. Temi said that the objective of the Youth Talents Promotion is three fold. 

 (1) Try to bring out the BEST amongst our youth with the hope that, once profiled, they stand a chance to earn a livelihood from the same;

(2) Try and give our youth (especially those out of school hope). Majority of our youth feel that society - and especially the political class - has abandoned them.

(3) Give the youth an opportunity to socialize in a positive way.

Don't miss out this Friday. Come one come all.


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