Women, Youth Reap Big As Malombe Unveils CO Nominee

Kamunda John, nominated CO - Service Delivery Unit 

Our Reporter

Governor Malombe's list of Chief Officers has received overwhelming support among the residents of the county.

Praised as gender sensitive, regionally balanced and with generous inclusion of youths, the Governor could not have made a better choice. 

"Kindly tell the governor I'm so proud of him. This is the face of Kitui County" remarked John Kisangau Mbaki, former County Assembly Minority Leader who served as Yatta/Kwa Vonza MCA.

While unveiling the names, the Governor gave 9 slots to the youth to serve in his administration. Seven of these individuals are aged 35 years and below. There is a 37 year old too.  

In the same breath, the Governor slotted 8 positions for women in line with two thirds gender rule. 

"These are individuals I strongly believe will help me in service delivery to the people of the County. I have forwarded their names to the Country Assembly for vetting and possible approval," the Governor said. 

Gladys Mami - CO nominee for Irrigation. She is an expert in mianda irrigation 

Dr. Malombe however regretted that he will not readily be appointing 4 Chief Officers due to a court case that has been lodged by 4 COs who were inherited from Kaluki Ngilu's collapsed administration. 

The four have moved to court claiming that Ngilu appointed them to office on permanent and pensionable terms. 

Governor Malombe said he will await the verdict of the court on the matter. 

"Even after their vetting and possible approval by the County Assembly, I will not appoint them until the court case is concluded," the Governor said.

He however explained that he still needed to forward a complete list of 26 nominees so that it does not fall short of the two thirds gender rule. 

Pauline Mwania - CO nominee for basic education. 

Here below is the full list of the CO nominees

1. Agnes Kawila Mulewa - Public Service and General Administration.

2. Franciscah Kanza Kyui- Performance Contracting, Disaster & Emergency Services.

3. Stephen Kitonga Salee - Decentralized Units, SEKEB and Inter-governmental Relations.

4. Kamunda John - Governor's Service Delivery Unit & Public Communication.

5. Ferdinand Ndemah Kathenge - Tourism, Hospitality & Game Reserves.

6. Dr. Musyoka Benson Wambua - Medical Services.

7. Aggrey Kinyalili Kamba - Drugs and Medical Supplies Management.

8. Lynn Kitwan - Public Health & Sanitation.

9. Bretta Mwangangi - Culture, Gender & Social Services.

10. Nason Kang'alya Kilonzo - Youth, Sports, ICT and Innovation.

11. Benjamin Kithee Chamia - Roads & Public Works.

12. John Makau Kimwele - Finance, Revenue Management and Accounting.

13. Patrick Masila Munuve - Economic Planning & Budgeting.

14. Stephen Makau Musili - Trade, Industry, MSMEs & County EIZs.

15. Peter Ketonya Musya - Transport and Bodaboda Sector.

16. Paul Ngei Monyi - Cooperatives and Citizen Group Economic Empowerment Initiatives.

17. Pauline Kikele Mwalali - Basic Education, ECDE & Childcare Facilities.

18. Kennedy Munyambu Mwendwa - Polytechnics, Vocational Centres and Homecraft Centres.

19. Micheal Kalii Mutisya - Lands & Housing.

20. Evans Mutemi Mutua - Urban Development.

21. Nelly Mutisya - Agriculture and Fisheries.

22. Jonathan Kyambi Nzau - Livestock Development and Agriculture.

23. Nathan Kasamba Vungo - Water.

24. Gladys Mami Wambua - Irrigation.

25. David Soi Masai - Environment & Forestry.

26. Henry Ngilu Nyamai - Energy, Minerals & Natural Resources.

Note: The Four Ngilu COs who are desperate to stay in office are:- 

1.Godfrey Zakayo Kimanzi –Chief Officer, Office of the Governor. (There is however another current Chief Officer in the Office of the Governor responsible for Public Service Management & Administration).

2.Geofrey M. Changangu –Chief Officer, Department of ICT & Youth Development.

3.Enoch Nguthu –Chief Officer, Department of Livestock, Apiculture & Fisheries Development

4.Eng. Joseph Kimanga –Chief Officer, Department of Gender, Sports & Culture 


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