New Dawn As Ministers, COs Get Into Office

Stephen Mbaya, CEC Agri & Livestock 

Our Reporter

All 10 County Executive Committee Members also called County Ministers have been sworn into office.

Governor Malombe has also appointed into office 22 Chief Officers during a ceremony presided over by Kitui Resident Magistrate Justine Asiago. 

The oath taking happened even as the Governor awaits the conclusion of a court case to appoint the Four remaining Chief Officers after a matter filed by 4 Ngilu COs is dispensed with. 

The swearing ceremony and the signing of the code of conduct and integrity was presided over by Magistrate Asiago in an event witnessed by the Governor alongside the County Commissioner Erastus Mbili, Speaker Kinengo Katisya, MCAs, members of the clergy and hundreds of Kitui residents who thronged the venue. 

THE Governor noted that the new team will help him in repositioning the County on the path of development and growth to realize the expectations of the electorate

Governor Malombe expressed confidence in their qualifications and competences to execute the mandate in their respective dockets. 

"Today is a time of great accomplishment. This is the team that will - under my guidance and supervision - drive my development agenda for the next 5 years," the County Chief said.

The Governor reiterated his commitment to work closely with Members of the County Assembly  in order to actualize his development agenda. 

According to the county chief, the team  will help him in the reclaiming and transforming the County in terms of development to improve the livelihoods of Kitui people.

At the same time, the Governor hailed the County Development Intergrated Plan (CIDP 2023 - 2027), saying it will provide an overall framework for development and will inform the 16 Sector priorities outlined in the Vision and Agenda for the development and transformation of the County. 

With the gallant  team now in office, Kitui County residents can only sigh with relief as all efforts are pulled together to make their lives better. Governor Malombe came into office on the backdrop of reclaiming the lost glory of the county after 5 years of mbee nzei battering and looting. 

On his part, Kitui Resident Magistrate Hon Justine Amoro Asiago called on the new officers to observe public service accountability in the execution of their duties as enshrined in the constitution.


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