Why Kitui Nation is Happy with Governor Malombe

Governor Julius Malombe - EGH

If there was one loud wish by the people of Kitui County, it was to have the former governor Kaluki Ngilu and her ghosts dislodged from the seat of power and tossed to the wind. 

Why? The reasons are out there in the public and we need not overemphasize them. Now Dr. Malombe is firmly at the seat of power. And the train has left the station - convincingly so. 

The county, which stalled when Governor Malombe was not declared the winner in 2017 is being re-worked and is currently getting its groove back. The chips are falling into their place. It's a jigsaw fit of sorts. 

For starters, Governor Malombe has made deliberate efforts to revive our health facilities which - for 5 years - had been reduced to death traps. The governor has ensured that the welfare of the doctors and other healthcare givers is looked into. 

In under six months, Governor Malombe has procured drugs and non pharmaceutical commodities to ensure timely and quality health services in all public hospitals. 

Dr. Malombe is also sealing all the loopholes where public money was being pilfered and stolen to enrich only a few economic bandits. 

The CLIDP projects which were identified through public participation have been floated. Their implementation will only serve to add value to the local mwananchi.

Disadvantaged and vulnerable school going children have something to smile about as the Pro Poor bursary fund is back - this time bigger and fatter to take care of many learners. 

The county staff - the real engine of the county - are now a happy lot with high morale as their salaries and other benefits are paid on time. 

Indeed, Governor Malombe is living upto his promise of a better Kitui County where every citizen counts and where all belong. The Kitui Promise

But even in the face of tangible and visible development, peace, and tranquility, mad men still abound. The few dumbheads making negative noise in social media belong to gangs for hire, others are career blackmailers and extortionists looking for pocket morsels. 

However, in his drive to serve the community, Governor Malombe remains unbowed. He is set to make Kitui great again.


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