Malombe's Govt Strikes Partnership to Establish Ksh20M Cancer Centre

Our Reporter

Kitui County government has partnered with Brystol Myers Squibb Foundation and the Catholic Medical Mission Board (CMMB) to put up a Sh20 million cancer treatment centre at Kitui county referral hospital

Speaking to the media after meeting the CMMB Country Director Dr James Kisia and the organisation’s county programs manager Jesse Kihuha yesterday, governor Julius Malombe said that the cancer centre will be strategic in offering treatment and palliative care to cancer patients in the county.

The governor noted that lack of such a centre in the vast county had occasioned more suffering to county patients who have to travel to Nairobi to access the services.

The cancer centre is going to boost our healthcare service delivery. Cancer patients will now access treatment locally without going outside the county,” the governor said. The ultra modern facility whose works are already underway is expected to be complete in December this year.

The cancer centre will host histopathology lab equipment, chemotherapy chairs, chemotherapy mixing chambers among others where health services such as promotion of cancer awareness, screening, chemotherapy, care and support to the cancer patients will be offered. 

The county executive committee member for Health and Sanitation Ruth Koki noted that women and girls of reproductive age, as well as men will be able to access pre-cancer screening services at the facility in a bid to detect early signs of the disease and arrest it at the earliest stages.

“When cancer is detected early it is treatable. It should not be a death sentence,” said Koki.

On his part, Dr Kisia from the Catholic Medical Mission Board said that the health facility will support Kitui’s health system in offering quality and affordable healthcare, especially to cancer patients from poor backgrounds in the county.

Governor Malombe stated that his administration will partner with more development partners in revamping the health sector to serve the county residents

The health department has been allocated a lion’s share of the county budget at Sh3.6 billion in this financial year’s budget. 

Since he was elected into office, Governor Malombe has attracted both local and international development partners who are buoyed by his administration's transparency and zero tolerance to corruption. 



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