REVEALED: Why Dr Malombe's Popularity Is Sweeping Kitui Like Hurricane


Dr Julius Malombe, admired by all for sound leadership

There is no doubt. There is something likeable and admirable about Dr Julius Makau Malombe, the man who set Kitui on a path of real development and firsts that today remain the bottom line in many a people's lips. It is no wonder that an entire Kitui population is calling on and wooing Dr Malombe, the pioneer governor to come back and salvage the county that has been thrown to the dogs by the mbee nzei administration.

Yes, we demand Dr Malombe to come back. We are determined to go to whatever length and ensure he contests, not only contests but recaptures the seat,” said a voter from Ikutha in Kitui South.

And true to this word, a delegation from Kitui south visited Dr Malombe at his Ithiiani home sometimes last year and pleaded with him. If only he could hear their wailing, suffering and respond to the yawning gap of leadership, they pleaded. 

Dr Malombe, having carefully weighed his moves as he always does, agreed. So this call of desperation is reverberating from Mitamisyi to Kasaaala. From Kanyangi to Damsa in Endau. And right at the heart of Kitui Central and its traditional base. All over and everywhere.

Among the competitors, there is nobody else who evokes instant likeability like Dr Malombe. He is a straight forward man, a man of his word. He means what he says, he is development conscious and he puts the interests of the people right deep inside his heart.

These are just a few of many, many phrases that are being used by disillusioned Kitui population that is hungering for honest and good leadership and unbiased service delivery.

During his tenure, development was felt in every village. County employees were being paid on time. Health facilities were functional and staff highly motivated. A cohort of hundreds of youthful contractors was trained and awarded tenders to empower them. The money was paid on time. There was circulation of money and everybody felt and lived it. 

There was discipline in the government and respect among the county employees, something that is lacking today. There was order and accountability. Dr Malombe, a scholar himself put emphasis on education and invested heavily in it. Kisomo nokyo became the county mantra. 

So when the people of Kitui think of these things, they cannot wait to vote Dr Malombe back. It is a county clarion call. From bodaboda men to hospital staff. From drivers to county employees. From mama mbogas to the current parliamentary leadership. Everybody has woken up and they know what is good for Kitui.

The replacement for the current questionable leadership is somebody with a workable track record. A person who flinches at the thought of theft of public money. A person who cannot squander and pilfer. The replacement must be a sober, straight, firm person. A person whose word is bankable. A caretaker of public purse, not populist bigot or a pathological liar. 

And that replacement is Dr Julius Makau Malombe, who’s coming in to RESTORE Kitui to her lost glory. 

No wonder Dr Malombe's  popularity and likeability is sweeping the county like a hurricane. But Kitui has decided.

Hold it there, we are coming back



  1. The man to vote for....the best governed to mention.....we need you again plz...


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