Kitui Workers Get New, Visionary Leadership Tomorrow

Timo, incoming kitui branch chairman

As Kitui County Government workers go to the polls tomorrow; Saturday, March 27 to elect their officials, the membership is thirsty for sound, accountable and progressive leadership that is able to fight for and improve the workers' welfare. 

While this is true, the workers are also seeking to elect a leadership that is youthful and in touch with reality. A leadership that will stand for integrity. 

It is for these reasons that the unionisable workers have, in one accord, decided to elevate 3 of their members to key positions, believing that they perfectly fit the bill. 

The top 3 who are said to have carried favour with the members are: Timothy Mbuvi Mwangangi - who is running for Chairman position, Faith Moki gunning for Branch Secretary position and Joel Musemi Mulwa who is eyeing branch assistant treasurer post.

Among the workers, the 3 have been described as the dynamic trio and will be tasked with bringing the much needed changes in the workers union. 

Today, Homeland News unveils the dynamic Trio

Timothy Mbuvi Mwangangi

He is youthful, suave and a champion of people's welfare. 

Those who interact with him say the young man is friendly, intelligent, brutally honest and full of charisma. He is also said to be highly ambitious, visionary and leadership has always found its way on his shoulders. 

"He is a perfect gentleman,  exactly what we need for workers union chairman. Trust me, he will carry the day...everybody just likes his plans and what he has to offer..." remarked a man who identified himself as Meshack.

Timothy or Timo as he is popularly known is likely to carry the day because the position requires a young and aggressive person who will also stand a chance to defend the position come 2026.

Timo will be battling it out with an aged and tired old man called Josphat Mutemi from Mwingi. The grandpa has only 4 years remaining to retire from the service and many have dismissed his candidature as a sick joke.

"Old age and all the conditions that come with it such as partial blindness and deafness have clearly caught up with that man. Why would any sober county employee elect a man who is likely to become senile before the next elections? Forget him" remarked another worker. 

Faith Moki - Branch Secretary

Faith - humble and beacon of honesty

She is humble and prides herself as the epitome of honesty. She is also well educated, a go getter and has a listening ear. 

These are some of the attributes that have caught the eye of the unionisable workers who have vowed to elect Faith as the branch secretary. 

"Faith has all what it takes to clinch that position. She is friendly, sociable and foresighted. She is progressive and we like her because she has time for everyone and is good at listening to people" Daudi Mwania said. It looks like Faith has won the hearts of many.

Joel Musemi Mulwa - Branch Assistant Treasurer

Joel - well groomed and a man of his word

A well groomed youthful gentleman. Honest to the core and a man of vigour and valour. He is likeable, something that has made him garner support from workers of all carders in the county. His candidature is like a hurricane, sweeping from corner to corner. 

Majority of the workers who have vowed to vote for Joel say the seat is his for the taking. 

Others who have thrown their hats in the ring include 

David Kainda who is running for Vice Chairman position and the indomitable Job Ngusu as Deputy Secretary. 

Daniel Mwania is running as Youth Representative while Bencrease K. Kyalo is running as Woman Representative. 

The position of Treasurer has attracted Maurice M. Thomas and Naomi Mwinzila, although majority are said to have already thrown their weight behind Thomas who is likely to carry the day. 

The workers have been discouraged from electing hooligans and non visionary leaders or self seekers and village bumpkins of ill education and zero exposure. 

"We need visionary leadership that knows what it is to represent colleagues in matters to do with their employment and such. Not goons and rent seekers" stated Daudi.

The dynamic trio set to carry the day on Saturday. From top Timo, Faith and Joel. Elect youthful, educated and visionary leaders. 


  1. I wish the trio all the best! Their vigour and energy in representing the workers is the best combination ever.


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