Ngilu Has Killed Kitui, But We Have Great Plans To Clean Mess - Dr Malombe Says

Dr Julius Malombe, the people's choice

Pioneer Kitui governor Dr. Julius Malombe has called on Kitui residents to join forces and ensure that embattled Kaluki Ngilu is ousted as governor.

Dr Malombe regretted that under Ngilu, Kitui County was stuck and nothing is moving. He, like fellow majority residents said that Ngilu has killed the people’s dreams for the four years she has been at the helm of the county leadership, yet she has nothing to show.

“It is sad. Four years wasted. She has nothing to show. Billions of shillings, all misused,” Malombe said. “Hospitals are not functional; there is no medicine in health facilities, is there? She has cultivated a culture of poverty and is now entrenching poverty. Kindly help me in getting her out,” Dr Malombe implored on the audience. The crowd burst out in agreement.


He was speaking at Ndithini village, Miambani at the heart of Kitui Central on Saturday where a huge crowd demanded that he addresses them and give them hope and confidence of things to come when he takes over in 2022.


Dr Malombe appealed to Kitui population to be vigilant and be wary of Ngilu’s lies, tricks and voodooism. He urged the residents not to be swayed by Ngilu’s handouts, which many in the gathering agreed that it would come from Ngilu’s purse of stolen funds. Funds that would have gone towards improving the healthcare, roads, agriculture, provision water and other services.


“You know she likes zombies. She does not like intelligent people. She is now running around but you need to ask her to show what she did in 4 years. Ask her where she took all the billions she received each financial year. Don’t allow her to insult you with her handouts,” Malombe said as the crowd cheered.


Particularly, Malombe said Ngilu has killed the health sector in the county. He regretted that her KChic initiative was a con game that offered nothing. He said a majority of contractors were being impoverished for lack of payment yet cartels in close proximity to the outgoing swindle all the money.

If you are still waiting for Ngilu to work then you will get a rude shock. She is a disaster, a liar,” the former governor said as his audience clapped and ululated some more. They promised to send Ngilu home. Probably in jail for crimes against humanity.


Dr Malombe stated that his eyes are firmly on the ball and won’t be distracted. He promised to get down to business immediately he is elected.

“I will be in the ballot, and I am coming to serve you,” he said. More claps. Some women broke into song and dance. “Mwa kyuma nitwathinie, uka ukomboe kitui tata,” one lady pleaded.

Dr Malombe said Ngilu should not pass blame to anybody for her failures. Not the MCAs, not anybody. She must be crucified and punished for her crimes, he stated. The crowd agreed and promised to gather every vote and solidify the ground for him.  


Click the links below and listen to Dr Malombe's fiery speech in Miambani yesterday June 5



  1. Election may not be the best method to choose leaders. However it's the only way available for now. It is for the voters not to listen to the politicians emotional appeal but critical evaluation of who they are and what they stand for. Sometimes we pick the good and leave out the Best.


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