Women Voters Have Decided To Rally Behind Dr Malombe

Dr Malombe, incoming Kitui governor

Kitui women voters, who have borne the brunt of Ngilu's suffocating leadership have vowed to elect Dr Julius Malombe in 2022. 

The women of the county have decided enough is enough with Ngilu's shenzi tales and tricks. This time round, we shall show her dust, they have vowed.

"Ngilu atwavwe twi iveti nayu vaikyake. Twienda Dr Malombe. Ngilu athi kula ukuthi" said one agitated female voter, the import of the message being that Ngilu can go to hell. 

Dr Malombe's candidature has resonated well with the general Kitui population which is thirsty for service delivery and is hungering for real development. 

Ngilu's latter day trick seems to associate with wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka in addition to dishing little handouts to confuse the electorate. 

However, Kitui voters have vowed to send Ngilu home, after eating her stolen money. 

"Tutakula pesa ya huyo mama na tumpeleke nyumbani. Mama bure sana, hajafanya chochote kazi yake ni kuongea kuhusu kicotec" complained another female voter. 

The voters have decided to rally behind Dr Malombe who is credited with life changing projects when he served as pioneer governor. When Ngilu took over, the county went to the gutter and nothing seems to work.

Hospitals are running without drugs, water scarcity has become hellish, roads are impassable while funds meant for food security have been looted to the last penny. What's worse, outgoing Ngilu has assembled a cartel of contractors led by herself and children to loot the county coffers dry through inflated ghost projects such as stone crusher that cost Ksh45 million more than its actual price as well as Kicotec godown where one tailor consumed Ksh160,000 in training at a backwater college in Nakuru, not to mention the failed AI project that cost an arm and a leg. 

"It is only a matter of time before we fix all this," says Dr Malombe

Ngilu's goose is definitely cooked. 


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