Why Kalonzo Trusts Dr Malombe 100% Over The Others

H.E Kalonzo Musyoka

It is said you will know a friend by how they behave towards you depending on the circumstances. There are friends who will flock to your door only when they want favours. Once they realize the favours are not coming their way, they abandon you and even backbite. In fact, such are outright enemies. 

And this is not different even in politics. In our local scenario, and among the aspirants for Kitui's gubernatorial race, let us soberly interrogate who has been a true friend and  supporter to community's kingpin Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka.

David Musila

The last elections just proved what Kalonzo had always suspected of Musila; that he is a wolf in sheep's skin and was only lying around to use Kalonzo to advance his selfish agenda. Soon after Musila was defeated by Dr Malombe in the Wiper primaries, he resigned as Wiper chairman, a position he had been appointed to by Kalonzo, ditched Wiper party and ditched Kalonzo.

It was not enough that he dumped Kalonzo but Musila went ahead to write a bitter book against Kalonzo in which he dedicated a whole chapter demeaning, discrediting and badmouthing Kalonzo. 

In the bitter book; Seasons of Hope - Musila even claims Kalonzo is a beneficiary of illicit funds from cartels in Arab countries.

Listen to Musila in his book.

"I was distraught and very angry. I was convinced that Kalonzo would not need my support and I won't need his, now or in future" Musila writes in the Prologue that is dedicated to attacking Kalonzo. 

"I remember many times we visited oil rich countries in the Arab world for fundraising. Despite the fact that the Arabs treated me better than Kalonzo due to my position as party chairman, I never got to know how much we were given because Kalonzo never disclosed to me" Musila writes further.

So vengeful is Musila that he refused to attend the funeral of Kalonzo's father and was the only leader who refused to send condolences. Worse, when Kalonzo attended the funeral of Musila's mother in Migwani, the bitter man mobilized goons to boo and heckle the party leader. 

So, is this a man who can be said to be a friend to Kalonzo, or even supportive? No.

Kiema Kilonzo.

Everytime you hear Kalonzo Musyoka warning "I know there are people who want to ride on my name, to win seats then dump me for the enemy", he is without an iota of doubt, referring to the dodgy Kiema Kilonzo. 

In the recent past, Kiema has joined a cabal of selfish leaders in Ukambani to insult and demean Kalonzo in all the describable ways. Kiema has called Kalonzo mean, non performer, mundu wa kiima and about every other word that diminishes Kalonzo's standing in society.  In both 2013 and 2017 Kiema joined a gang that run around the country discrediting and belittling Kalonzo's presidential ambitions.  

Listen to this MP, a close ally of Kalonzo from Mwingi.

" haha im shocked you are even talking about Kiema. If there is anybody who knows kiema Kilonzo in and out, it is Kalonzo Musyoka. And Kalonzo is not a fool" says Kalonzo's confidant with finality. 

Again, Kiema cannot be trusted. Intelligence sources have rightly told Kalonzo that Kiema is in UDA and supports Ruto 100 percent. Kiema has even planted his key people in Ruto's camp.

"The party leader is aware of all that my friend. Anybody who thinks Kalonzo is naïve, simply because you are taking photographs standing next to him will be shocked to the bone marrow" adds the MP, saying Kiema is the least attractive and least trusted. 

Dr Julius Malombe.

Sources within Wiper say Kalonzo trusts Dr Malombe 100 percent, and has no problem working with him. It is this trust that makes their bond so strong that competitors know they stand no chance in Wiper.

"Haven't you heard them say Dr Malombe will be appointed to this and that position. That tells you they trust that Kalonzo and Dr Malombe are extremely in good terms and the party leader trusts him" another source in the party intimated.

Dr Malombe, even after losing the elections has never abandoned Wiper. He has remained a strong cog in the party and Kalonzo has taken note of that. Dr Malombe, who is humble and not showy has continued to support the party and the party leader in big and many ways. 

This is the reason why Kalonzo wants to walk the whole journey with Dr Malombe.

Charity Ngilu.

Honestly there is nothing much to say about Ngilu's conduct towards Kalonzo. Her unbecoming behaviour is scattered all over...and we all know.


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