
Showing posts from August, 2022

Migwani Town Comes to Standstill As Dr. Temi's Mum Is Laid to Rest

Send off Dr. Temi's departed mum was laid to rest over the weekend in a colorful ceremony that brought mourners from far and wide. Migwani Town came to a standstill as thousands of people from all walks of life stopped their normal weekend activities to pay their last respects to the late Margaret Mutave Mutia, a respected family matriarch who had enjoyed warm relationship with her relatives, friends and neighbours for decades.  The funeral ceremony was held at Migwani AIC Primary School and was presided over by Bishop Syuma of the AIC Church. Addressing mourners during the ceremony Bishop Syuma urged the family of the late Margaret Mutia to emulate the virtues instilled to them by the family matriarch by which the late Margaret lived. Dr. Temi, a value chain specialist, respected strategist and a scholar of great reputation thanked those who stood with the family during the bereavement and offered support in various forms. " As a family we remain eternally grateful to friends

Condolences: Dr Temi Mutia Thrown Into Deep Mourning

The late Margaret Mutia Our Reporter   ~ Dr. Temi Mutia, who has been the Head of Value Chains Development in Kitui County, together with his family have been thrown into mourning following the passing on of their mother and the family matriarch; Margaret Mutia. ~ The late matriarch described by many as sociable, friendly and warm passed on on Monday while undergoing treatment at the Coptic Hospital, Nairobi. ~ She will be laid to rest at her Migwani home, on Saturday, 20th August 2022. ~ The family is struggling with a huge hospital bill and is humbly requesting friends and people of goodwill to step in and lend a helping hand. ~ Dr. Temi, a decorated scholar and a political strategist and advisor has held various positions and played various roles in different organizations/entities in the country.  ~ His last assignment was being the Head of Value Chains Development for Kitui County government. He has made many friends and colleagues  in different spheres. ~ Anyone willing to pass t

Homeland News Says It's Malombe

~ Having carefully examined the decadence and looting visited upon Kitui county by the corrupt and incompetent Kaluki Ngilu and her cartels, Homeland News, just like everybody else in the county has been yearning for true and sober leadership.  ~ We have carefully examined the 3 candidates running for governor and run a robust background check on each of them. ~ Truth be told, Dr. Malombe stands tall. If Kitui people want a governor who will initiate true projects that directly impact the mwananchi, then it is Dr. Malombe. ~ If the county residents are looking for a governor who will give life to the dead health sector, if they are looking for a governor who is not corrupt and one who will prudently manage the county resources, then that person is Dr. Malombe. ~ If the county residents are looking for a leader who is fair, sober, a meticulous planner and a man of great integrity, it is Dr. Malombe. ~ At Homeland News, we are not ashamed to endorse - consciously and forthrightly - Dr. M

Mama Mbogas, Small traders Endorse Malombe

We support Malombe, say women traders   ~ All mama mbogas operating within Kitui town and other small scale traders have endorsed the candidature of Dr. Julius Malombe. ~ Meeting today under the umbrella of Mama Mbogas & Small Traders Self Help Group, they said they hav resolved to support Dr. Malombe because of his good plans of empowering them and taking the county to the next level. ~ The traders vowed to mobilize every vote within their range for Malombe, saying that they will not be distracted by crooks dishing out money that has been stolen by Ngilu and her cartels for the last 5 years. ~ "We have faith in Malombe's leadership. He has good plans to take Kitui county to the next level. We are aware of the good plans he has for us and we are solidly behind him," the mama mboga leadership said. "On Tuesday next week we are going out to vote for Kyuma. Ni Kyuma all the way" they added.  ~ Just like other residents of Kitui county, the traders said that th