Mama Mbogas, Small traders Endorse Malombe

We support Malombe, say women traders 

~ All mama mbogas operating within Kitui town and other small scale traders have endorsed the candidature of Dr. Julius Malombe.

~ Meeting today under the umbrella of Mama Mbogas & Small Traders Self Help Group, they said they hav resolved to support Dr. Malombe because of his good plans of empowering them and taking the county to the next level.

~ The traders vowed to mobilize every vote within their range for Malombe, saying that they will not be distracted by crooks dishing out money that has been stolen by Ngilu and her cartels for the last 5 years.

~ "We have faith in Malombe's leadership. He has good plans to take Kitui county to the next level. We are aware of the good plans he has for us and we are solidly behind him," the mama mboga leadership said.

"On Tuesday next week we are going out to vote for Kyuma. Ni Kyuma all the way" they added. 

~ Just like other residents of Kitui county, the traders said that they are ready to eat Musila's money which has been donated by Kaluki Ngilu after looting the county for 5 years with nothing to show.

~ The mama mbogas said they were the most affected by Ngilu's bad leadership and stated they she has no moral authority to show anybody whom to vote for as governor.

~ "Kaluki enuke. Nunanaangie Kitui na twikenda ndeto sya Musila" they said then broke into chants of "ni Kyuma Kyuma Kyuma" 

Ni Kyuma Kyuma Kyuma


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