Stop Unnecessary War - Speaker warns Senator Kiio

Stop it right there - Kinengo warns Kiio 

Our Reporter

Kitui Assembly speaker Kevin Kinengo has sent a warning to senator Kiio Wambua, cautioning him against unnecessarily attacking the County Government led by Governor Julius Malombe.

Addressing MCAs in Mutomo Tuesday, Kinengo said it is pretentious for the senator to purport to take the role oversighting the County Government, a role he said is a preserve of the MCAs.

"The senator is my friend and I respect him alot but we have to draw the line between friendship and work. He cannot purport to take the work of the MCAs which is to oversight. I'm urging you not reject that" the Speaker told the MCAs.

The County Assembly leader noted it is regrettable for senator Kiio to open unnecessary war with Governor Malombe's administration yet the Governor is working round the clock to ensure that County residents get the much needed development projects.  

"It is sad to see the senator moving around attacking the County Government just when we are beginning to see the fruits of good leadership," pointed out Kinengo.

 He wondered what is Kiio's motivation in attacking Dr Malombe's administration which has so far worked to the satsfaction of the County residents yet the senator appeared aloof for 5 years when Kaluki Ngilu plundered the County and brought it to its knees.

Kinengo urged County residents to support the County administration, adding that MCAs are keen to see a functional County where residents will reap maximum benefits from their leaders.

Listen to the fiery speech below ...


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