Dr Malombe Trounces Competitors In Poll Organized By Ngilu Slaves

Favourite Dr Malombe

For his unbeatable development track record  when he served as the pioneer governor of Kitui County, Dr Julius Malombe has continued to attract admiration among Kitui voters following Ngilu's spectacular failure.

And in an online Opinion Poll that was designed by Ngilu's slaves to try  and push up her popularity, Dr Malombe emerged the most favoured  candidate for Kitui's gubernatorial seat in 2022 general elections.

Out of the sample size that voted for their favourite  candidates, Dr Malombe garnered 63.19 percent of the votes cast while Kaluki Ngilu managed a paltry 21.85 percent

Kiema Kilonzo, a one time Mutitu MP came third with 8.67 percent while aged David Musila, who retired to the National Museums of Kenya and who has been preaching  regional and marginalization politics  came last with only 6.28 percent of the votes cast.  

The little known Jonathan Mueke was not among the candidates floated by the Ngilu cartels. Interestingly enough, nobody mentioned him in the comments section. 

Dr Malombe is admired for his stellar performance at the helm of the county leadership where hospitals across the county were fully equipped and functional, roads were routinely graded, lots of investment were made to improve the agricultural sector and empower local farmers and deliberate efforts were made to improve the education standards in the county. During Dr Malombe's time, county government workers were paid on time and morale was at its peak.

These are just some of the things that make the disillusioned Kitui population unanimously demand for Dr Malombe's comeback to rescue the county that is dying under the yoke of incompetence, massive theft and high corruption. 

Check the poll here.

Favoured - 63.19%

Loser - 21.85%

Loser - 8.67%

Reject - 6.28%


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