Ground Iko Na Kyuma - Ngilu's Opinion Poll Shows

Popularity poll

In yet another opinion poll commissioned by outgoing Kaluki Ngilu and her slaves, Dr Julius Malombe has walloped his competitors to smithereens. 

Out of the 420 sample size of respondents who voted in the Facebook Opinion poll on the most popular gubernatorial candidate, Dr Malombe emerged tops with majority votes at 66.2 % (278) while Ngilu came a distant second with 27.1 % (114). 

David Musila, who retired to the museums of Kenya due to his advanced age managed a scrappy 28 votes, representing a pitiable 6.7 %.

Curiously, the Ngilu's poll makers did not include Kiema Kilonzo and Jonathan Mueke, dismissing the two as laughable jokers and non starters.

The Poll has buttressed what the ground is like where the voters are urgently and strongly lobbying for Dr Malombe's comeback to rescue the county from the clutches of Ngilu's destruction and wanton looting. 

What was more curious about the poll was that most of those who voted for Ngilu bore names from Western Kenya and Nyanza, characters who had been whipped to vote for her from their Nairobi slums abode.

This is a clear indication that Ngilu is not wanted at home and her machinations have fallen flat.  

As for Musila, the 91 year old mzee is wasting his time and the little energy left. He is better advised to continue retiring.

Indeed, Kitui Nation cant wait to welcome Kyuma back to the helm of county leadership. Join the winning team! 

Check out the poll below .....


  1. Kitui residence who knows the substance of Ngilu are quietly laughing at these hired goons conning Malombe with perspectives of votes he will cry for come 2020 !


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