Miserable Kiema, Needy Bandits & Imaginary Defectors

Retired legislator Kiema 

They say desperate times call for desperate gimmicks, even clutching on straws as sure death beckons.


This saying aptly describes one Kiema Kilonzo and his patch up gubernatorial bid,  which is dead on rocks.

Nowhere in the entire Kitui county is Kiema being mentioned. Not even at his home village of Kavalula or Kyanika, where recently, a man who tried to sell Kiema's candidature was nearly lynched. 

"Ikala nzi we, Kiema nuu yu? Vau vai wiya..." women voters jeered, dismissing Kiema as a hopeless case. So it happens that Kiema is running scared. His withering camp is besieged by hot diarrhoea and panic after realizing Dr Julius Malombe is scaling heights with unmatched ratings. 

Truth be told, if Dr Malombe was competing with Kiema, even for anything, Daktari would just relax at home. The man from Kavalula is a tadpole! 

And so to try and twerk up his dead ratings, Kiema pretends to be competing with Dr Malombe. How laughable. Figures show Dr Malombe's garnering way beyond 70% of voters confidence. 

On the other hand, Kiema is getting below 2%, starting with his home village. 

Hyena and vulture politics

But you all know Kiema is not running. The man is in business. One foot, he pretends to be in Wiper, another foot he's deep in UDA, to try and squeeze a fat cake from DP Ruto. The few supporters he has, support Ruto! Kalonzo wants nothing to do with the double edged agent. 

Miserable photo shooting

Now to the gimmicks. Kiema is currently walking around with one underfed boy with a  China phone. 

Whenever Kiema spots a person he thinks can nose up his profile in politics - it doesn't matter whether it is a leader or even students - he has instructed his needy boy to take hundreds of unsolicited photos. 

He has done this to Kalonzo, until the former VP ordered  him to stop the petty and feminine conduct. 

He has done it to Kalonzo's son. He has done it to unsuspecting gospel artists. He did it to Miss Kicotec godown.

Kiema will take photos even with mongrels, If he thinks they can add some weight to his dead on arrival venture. 

Do you remember last year when Kiema used to flood WhatsApp with photos of him standing meekly next to Kalonzo's son, purporting he would be his deputy? U know why he stopped?

Fed up with his nonsense, Kalonzo simply told the fella off, and warned him against dragging his family in his voodoo politics. Now a nondescript fella from Mwingi North who lives in a bed sitter at Mlango Kubwa claims to be Kiema's running mate. In private however, the retired MP denies knowing the rusty fella, dismissing him as a potential extortionist. Doom! 

Purported Kalonzo PA and imaginary decamping

This is the most dumb thing the clueless Kiema camp can proffer. For starters, the fella mentioned, one Kinengo Katisya has never been part of Dr Malombe's camp. He has never supported Daktari..so how does he decamp? 😜

If anything, the guy is a Ngilu lap dog. He can only decamp from Ngilu's camp. Or it could mean that Kiema and Ngilu are one! 

Secondly, Kinengo is not PA to Kalonzo. He's an employee of Makueni county government headed by Kalonzo's enemy; Kibwana.  

"I'm a defecting Dr Malombe supporter, purchase me now..."

Listen people. Crooks, rent seekers, idlers, charlatans and fraudsters are on the prowl. They are out to milk clueless politicians. And what a better way to increase their value than to claim to have been supporters of the incoming governor Dr Malombe?

They are scattered all over. Look no further, some might be next to you. They have realized Dr Malombe is the people's favourite. As such they want to use his name for self gain and con games.


They sneak into politicians inboxes with texts like _"you know I have been a Malombe supporter, I know the camp, I will help you bring him down, pay me, purchase me bla bla"_. Thieves. Don't. 

The lie merchants want to dip into politicians' pockets by Crookery.  For avoidance of doubt:

Dr Malombe's camp has not suffered defections. Not even one. We are solid. Intact. And rearing. And voters are orgasmic.

If anything, the winning camp is reaping big from key defectors sneaking to our camp from the four corners of the wind. 

Dr Malombe is unbeatable. Voters have agreed. And God has okayed. 


How Kiema and Ngilu are conniving for 2022. Ngilu claims in secret to have purchased the former MP


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