Raila Is Unfit, Don't Impose Him On Us - Professional Tells Uhuru

Campbell Munyambu

A Mwingi based professional and a businessman has sounded an alarm to retiring president Uhuru Kenyatta against imposing ODM leader Raila Odinga on Kenyans.

Campbell Munyambu, who is also a Wiper party member and a close ally of the party leader Kalonzo Musyoka noted that Raila's time in active politics is over, saying he should retire and pave way for others.

Munyambu noted that Raila had unsuccessfully contested for presidency for 4 consecutive times, saying that Kenyans were now fatigued by his perennial candidacy. On two of those occasions, Munyambu said the Kamba community had rallied behind the Luo leader but received zero benefits.

"The president should stand guided. Raila is unwanted and is not popular as he used to be. If anything, his support has remained only in Luo Nyanza and maybe in city's slums where some members of his community dwell" Munyambu told Homeland News desk.

He dismissed Raila as a tribalist and a selfish person who is in politics for self profiteering. 

While citing the handshake, Munyambu explained that the ODM leader executed the handshake alone while leaving his NASA colleagues behind.

"He is a selfish leader, that is why he went to the handshake alone for own benefit" the professional remarked. 

Further, Munyambu stated that Raila is a man who brings confusion and trouble in every coalition or government that he joins. He cited the Kibaki's GNU (Government of National Unity) in which Raila was Prime Minister and in which he used to issue decrees contrary to the president's directives.

He further said Raila's Kibaki Tosha declaration was not born out of genuine support for the former president but because Raila had been cornered after trying to spoil for other LDP leaders among them Kalonzo and former VP George Saitoti. 

Noteworthy, it is during the GNU that Raila used to complain about not being accorded red carpets and VIP toilets for his use. 

MUNYAMBU advised the One Kenya Alliance to stick together and support one of their own if they wished to floor deputy president William Ruto. He stated that Kalonzo is the only leader in the alliance who is the most qualified and competent to offer sound leadership for the country.

"Kalonzo is senior among the OKA colleagues. His support base is solid. He has vast experience working in government including as VP. He is the man to take Ruto home, they should all support him" he stated.

He regretted that Raila has a bad reputation of insulting Kalonzo whenever they disagree politically, saying his (Odinga's) strategy to replace Kalonzo by picking other Kamba leaders such as Kaluki Ngilu, Alfred Mutua or even Kivutha Kibwana was a failed strategy.

"No other leader has the support of the community. If he picks any other, they will go to him as individuals without the backing of community" he pointed out

Retired and tired Odinga


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