Mama Edith Eulogized As Astute Leader, Solid Mobilizer

The late Edith Malombe

A Requiem mass for the late Mama Edith Mawia Malombe was held this evening at CITAM church along Valley Road in Nairobi city.

The thousands who attended the mass, including Edith's nuclear family and colleagues in legal fraternity said they wanted to celebrate her life for what she had achieved while she was alive.

The late Edith, who was the dear wife of Kitui's pioneer governor Dr Julius Malombe was eulogized as an astute  leader, a solid mobilizer, a phenomenal woman and a great heroine. 

A representative from the Law Society of Kenya described the late Edith as a a firm lawyer, a key strategist and a pillar in the community. 

"Her loss is not only for her family but also the legal fraternity and the country at large," said Eric, the LSK Rep. 

Mama Edith was also eulogized as a great role model and a deeply religious woman who was prayerful. 

"She taught me everything in this world is won on knees," stated Njoki, a dotting daughter in law, alluding to the power of prayer as taught by the gracious fallen lady.

Her children, who included Kavinya, James, Robert and two grandchildren eulogized their mother as extremely kind, a great cook but also a strict disciplinarian who never failed to whip one to the correct path. 

"She was everything to us. A mother, sister and a friend to me, all in one," said her daughter Kavinya. 

Robert described the mum as a close confidant, who strived to see things done the right way. 

"She was a lovely mother. And a no nonsense disciplinarian. My mother did not suffer fools gladly," said the last born son. 

James promised that they will stand by their father in this difficult period and take care of him while supporting his future decisions. 

Tabitha Mutemi who served with Edith as BoM members at Mulango Girls High School told the mourners that the former county first lady served as board chairperson at the school with commitment and vigour. 

She wanted the girls in the school, and indeed in the entire county to excel and scale heights as she had done.

Her husband, Dr Malombe paid his departed wife a colourful tribute, describing her as a meticulous wife and meticulous professional. 

Dr Malombe said Edith was the matriarch of the family who strictly guided the family in the path of God. 

The pioneer governor broke the ice when he told the congregation how he met Edith 40 years ago. He said Edith was a top performer in school and when she led her peers as a top student in O levels in the larger Eastern province, he took notice.

But when Edith was selected to join the University of Nairobi to study law after excelling in her A levels at Limuru Girls High School, Dr Malombe decided to go for her.

"When she was admitted at the UoN's School of law, I said I must look for this girl. I went for her and it was love at first sight. The rest is history," Dr Malombe said in a humourous light moment. 

The pioneer governor said he owes his political decisions to his late wife who deeply prayed for them and supported his cause. 

Dr Malombe said even in the next gubernatorial elections, mama Edith had prayed for the same and was convinced that he should go for the county top seat, having listened to the people's voices. 

So will Dr Malombe be running in 2022? 

"If I am not there in 2022, the spirit of Edith will not rest easy. I will not disappoint her..." he soberly stated, saying he will speak more during Edith's funeral service on Friday at Ithookwe Show Grounds. 

Mwingi Central MP Gideon Mulyingi told Dr Malombe not to waver in his decisions even as he mourns the loss of his dear wife. 

The MP also conveyed condolences from Wiper boss Kalonzo Musyoka. 

Mr Nzioka Waita, a top statehouse official  represented president Uhuru Kenyatta in the Requiem mass. 

Mama Edith Mawia Malombe, who passed on aged 60 will be laid to rest this Friday at her Ithiiani village home in Kyangwithya West, Kitui County. 

May the lord grant her soul everlasting peace. Amen!


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