
Showing posts from November, 2022

Mutomo Youths' Statement On CECs Vetting

Kitui South youths   A STATEMENT BY THE YOUTH OF KITUI SOUTH ON ATTEMPTS BY A GROUP OF MCAs TO DELAY THE VETTING OF GOVERNOR JULIUS MALOMBE’s COUNTY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS. We are shocked to learn that some members of the Kitui County Assembly have hatched plans to stop or delay the expected vetting of the new County Executive Committee whose names were forwarded to the Kitui County Assembly for vetting and approval by Dr. Julius Malombe.  Upon vetting and approval by the County Assembly and assumption into office, the 10 nominees will assist governor Malombe in serving our people and developing our county through implementation of his 16 sector manifesto for Kitui County. We have followed up and learnt that this crooked plan to delay the vetting of the nominees which would have taken place this week is spearheaded by speaker Kevin Kinengo and some opposition MCAs among them Alex Nganga, the MCA for Miambani who also happens to be the minority leader. The claims that Dr. Malombe f

No Room for Ngilu Con Games - Profesionals tell Nganga

Campbell Munyambu   No Room for Ngilu Con games - Profesionals tell Nganga Our Reporter   Kaluki's Ngilu's disgraced minority leader in the County Assembly one Alex Nganga who has been howling in bars like a deranged ape has been called to order. Mr. Campbell Munyambu, who is the coordinator for Mwingi Professionals Forum and Business Community explained that Nganga is being used by Ngilu to sabotage  Governor Malombe's government. Addressing the media in Mwingi town Friday, Munyambu stated that the people of Kitui County who elected Dr. Malombe overwhelmingly will not allow Ngilu to sneak back through her orphaned drinking mates like Nganga. "We never heard Nganga say anything for 5 years that Ngilu raped Kitui county and stole from the public. The MCA was actually part of the Ngilu cartels who brought the county to its knees," Munyambu said. He added that the County residents now have faith in Dr. Malombe to deliver on his manifesto. For instance, Mr. Munyambu

Weather Forecast

  KALRO has developed a very accurate weather Forecasting platform. Satellite based accuracy, 9×9 kilometres.  Go to  , select your county, then Sub-County, Ward and Get Agroweather Advisory. Kindly check out

REVEALED: 208 Listed for 26 CO Jobs

A total 208 candidates have been shortlisted by Kitui County Public Service Board for 26 positions of chief officers that were advertised about a month ago. The public service board is set to conduct interviews and pick successful names that will be forwarded to Governor Julius Malombe.  From the list, the governor will then pick suitable candidates for each of the departments and forward the names to the County Assembly for vetting and approval. After the names are approved by the Assembly, the governor will then appoint the chief officers to serve under the CECs. The list contains a number of MCAs who lost their seats during the August elections and professionals from varied fields.  Here is the full list   You can also access the full list via the link below 

No More Theft of Revenue - Says Governor Malombe

  Our Reporter   Governor Julius Malombe has mooted plans to automate all revenue collection streams in the county.  The governor says the move is geared towards ensuring that all the revenue collected is accounted for and does not dissapear into people's pockets.  “We shall put up a very tight system to ensure there are no leakages in revenue collection. Every shilling that will be collected as part of revenue will be accounted for and put into good use,” governor Malombe announced today while meeting the Commission on Revenue Allocation (CRA) in his office. The commission was led by its chairperson Dr. Jane Kiringai. During the corrupt mbee nzei regime that was evicted by Kitui residents, Revenue collection was the main cash cow for mbee nzei thieves and cartels who would stash the money in cartons and store it in their bedrooms. Governor Malombe has said that such theft of revenue will be a thing of the past once the automation system is completed. The highest revenue collected

Unanimous Endorsement for Governor Malombe's Nominees

The cabinet nominees Our Reporter   Unanimous Endorsement for Governor Malombe's Nominees The list of County Cabinet nominees currently before the County Assembly has r eceived unanimous endorsement from Kitui County residents . The county residents have roundly praised the list of nominees as a proper representation of the vast Kitui County, saying that Governor Malombe has picked a representative from all facets of the heterogeneous society. Clever balancing act ...  The residents have cited regional and gender balance , noting that the Governor had picked from all the 8 constituencies while at the same time bringing on board a good number of women to the Executive Committee.  Among the 10 nominees, six are men while four are women.  Some vast constiencies such as Kitui South and Kitui East got two slots each , attracting praises from residents of those regions who have thanked Governor Malombe for generously including them into his government.  Kitui South is represented by Pete

Regional Balance As Dr. Malombe Unveils Cabinet Nominees

Peter Kilonzo alias Tangawizi   Our Reporter   Governor Julius Malombe has this evening unveiled 10 nominees who have been proposed to sit in the County Cabinet (County Executive Committee). Announcing the names at his office where he was flanked by his deputy Augustine Kanani, Dr. Malombe said he considered regional Balance, Gender representation, and  professional qualifications in coming out with the 10 names.  Every Constituency of the vast Kitui county is well represented in the list of nominees where Kitui South and Kitui East got two nominees each.   The marginalized Tharaka community in Mwingi North was not left out as the governor gave them a slot in his proposed Cabinet. Peter Nkunda, who comes from Tharaka Ward and who served in Dr. Malombe's previous administration was the perfect choice to represent the Tharaka community. Mr. Nkunda who is currently doing his PHD has been proposed to head the Water and Irrigation docket.  Another former minister who made a come back is

Don't Miss Out on Public Participation, it's Your Destiny - Dr. Temi

Dr. Temi Mutia   RE: ENGEERING DEVELOPMENT AT THE GRASSROOTS THROUGH CO- AUTHORING THE 2023- 2027 KITUI CIDP:  A very good morning to each and everyone of us. Good People, as we may most probably be already aware, through the 2010 Constitution, the Citizens of this great Country were FORMALLY empowered, to be co- authors of their destiny by way of public participation on ALL matters development at the Grassroots. The Country Integrated Development Plan (CIDP), which is very much similar to the previous Medium Term Plan ( MTP) is today the Mother of ALL matters development at the grassroots. Through the consultative process, all the key issues, once collected at the grassroots ( ward level) are then collated and documented I a structured and prioritized manner. The document arising therefore, then becomes the " Holy Book " from which EVERY key stakeholder (Viz. National Government; County Government; Development Partners; Parachurch Organizations, NGO's, Private