Don't Miss Out on Public Participation, it's Your Destiny - Dr. Temi

Dr. Temi Mutia 


 A very good morning to each and everyone of us.

Good People, as we may most probably be already aware, through the 2010 Constitution, the Citizens of this great Country were FORMALLY empowered, to be co- authors of their destiny by way of public participation on ALL matters development at the Grassroots.

The Country Integrated Development Plan (CIDP), which is very much similar to the previous Medium Term Plan ( MTP) is today the Mother of ALL matters development at the grassroots.

Through the consultative process, all the key issues, once collected at the grassroots ( ward level) are then collated and documented I a structured and prioritized manner.

The document arising therefore, then becomes the " Holy Book " from which EVERY key stakeholder (Viz. National Government; County Government; Development Partners; Parachurch Organizations, NGO's, Private Foundations, Universities; Research Institutions; Innovators; and the general public etc); involved in development work are supposed to draw their guide as their " True North".

Unfortunately, we, the people of Kitui County ( and especially) the elite have a tendency to "pretent" that we are too busy to attend / participate in these forums, and hence , leave the BURDEN of CRITICAL THINKING to our folks in the villages.

As a consequence arising therefrom:

(1) Innovative / creative ideas are NEVER Captured in nearly all our Development Blue Prints.

(2) The HOW, to get things done is never captured;

(3) Local involvement of the educated / skilled Citizenry is NEVER Captured.

The end results:.

The same OLD narrative of: 

(1)We want water

(2) We want roads;

(3) We want hospitals with drugs.

are repeated.....again.....and again.....and again.

Folks, this is a narrative which has been going on since independence, (60 years ago). 

It takes the collective self to get things done and done correctly.

Good People, the time for us as a people to not only get involved but also to come up with new and innovative ways on the "HOW" things are going to be done over the next 5 years is NOW !!!

To this end, I plan to attend the ongoing Kitui 2023 - 2027 CIDP public participation forums in person in Mwingi town, where, I am currently spending most of my time.

Am equally appealing to each and EVERYONE of us on this wall to kindly spare a few minutes from your precious time and attend the public participation happening near you.

Written memorandums ( including memorandums by organiser groups) are also a very good way of adding your voice.

Whichever way, kindly don't be left out. Let your voice be heard.!!!

Addressing CIDP public participation in Mwingi Administrors Office in Mwingi town.


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