Umbrella Group for Kitui Mama Mbogas Launched

Mama Mbogas with MP Makali Muli & Patron Catherine Mutia 

Our Reporter

Mama mbogas who sell their wares within Kitui town have launched an umbrella self help group which is meant to spur their businesses into greater heights. 

The women drawn from 10 sectors launched Mama Mboga Muungano Self Help Group on Saturday at a Kitui hotel in a colourful event attended by Kitui Central MP Makali Mulu and Deputy Governor's wife Catherine Kanani. 

Margaret Musili who is the chairlady of the Self Help Group said their unity was informed by their desire to expand and succeed in their respective businesses. 

"Our aim is to empower ourselves and this way we shall be able to empower other women. Women are the backbone of the family and when they are empowered, the families are stable," Margaret stated. 

She appealed to the County Government and other well wishers to support them financially. 

"We have a lot of faith with the current County Government under Governor Malombe. He promised to uplift the small traders and we are convinced he is committed to that," added the chairlady, saying that the women are ready and capable of doing tenders to empower themselves. 

Mrs Kanani, the Deputy Governor's spouse reiterated the County Government's commitment through Governor Malombe's manifesto that organized  groups will benefit from Self Help Group loans. 

The patron of the Mama Mboga Muungano Self Help Group Catherine Mutia noted that the group was established in 2021 with a key objective to empower the small scale women traders. 

The Patron revealed that the traders were also being trained on business skills and saving for their  future growth.  

"Our future plans is to see the group grow into a Sacco," Catherine said, noting that in addition, the women are also being trained on Reproductive Health.  

The area MP thanked the women for coming together to form the group, saying that governments - both county and national - are working with organized groups. 

"This unity is good because it is through such groups that you are able to access loans and grants," Makali said while donating his financial support to the group.

Senator Enoch Wambua also hailed the group and promised to support the women



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