Plan to Have Court at each Sub-county Mooted

Governor Malombe with Kitui judiciary team on 31st Jan 2024

Our Reporter 

Governor Julius Malombe has said that County Governments play a critical role in helping the Judiciary discharge its duties in settling disputes. 

Of particular, the Governor termed Alternative Dispute Resolution as a significant milestone in facilitating the Judicial process of settling disputes among different parties.

Governor Malombe who spoke during the rollout of the court annexed mediation ceremony at the Kitui Law Courts noted that both the National and County Governments have a duty to cooperate and consult in service delivery because they are inter dependent. 

The Governor said that his administration had facilitated the judiciary to establish two more courts at Manyenyoni area where a  two acre piece of land has been donated..

The Judiciary has mooted a plan to have at least one court at each subcounty in Kitui County by acquiring land through the county department of land. 

The County administration has on its part committed to alleviate water challenges by installing tanks at the Kitui and Mwingi Law courts and support the existing court infrastructure by constructing a county court whose plans are underway.

“The county court is born out of the MOU between the judiciary and the CoG signed in 2016. The objective being among other things, to have a forum where the enforcement county legislation is prioritized," the Governor said in his speech. 

Further, the Governor commended the court annexed mediation as critical in ensuring the results of judicial processes are individually and socially just, entrenching the culture of amicable resolution of disputes and strengthening trust and confidence in the judicial system.

On his part, Justice Robert Limo of Kitui High Court stated that the court annexed mediation will promote a win-win resolution of dispute between parties.

He added that the court will review the details of cases filed and determine whether they are suitable for referral or mediation. Parties may also request to have their cases considered for alternative resolutions. 

“Court Annexed Mediation will also be instrumental in resolving the backlog of cases which is serious issue in our courts" said the judge. 

Limo acknowledged the support from the County Government in promoting the judiciary work.  


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