Be advised, Kitui Residents are Behind Governor - MCA Malinga tells Kiio

Sombe MCA Malinga

Our Reporter

Keep off Governor Malombe, MCAs and Kitui residents are behind him - Sombe/Mwitika MCA cautions senator Kiio 

While speaking on Friday in his Sombe Ward during a Wetland restoration event attended by thousands of people, MCA Malinga Munyao advised senator Kiio to find something better to do with his energy and time, saying that Kitui county is now in the right hands under Dr Malombe.

Malinga reminded the senator that the Kitui population, almost to a man are in support of Governor Malombe's work and will not listen to stray noise that is meant to derail his remarkable work.

"Let Senator Kiio be warned to keep his jokes away from Governor Malombe. The Governor is working very well, correcting all the mess and destruction left behind by Kaluki Ngilu under the watch of the senator" Malinga said in his fiery speech. 

Kitui residents have advised Governor Malombe to ignore the stray noise and focus on his people's assignment which includes coming up with life changing projects and whipping the County back to the path of growth and development.

Since he took office, Governor Malombe has rolled out a cocktail programme on development projects that cut across all the 40 Wards of the County. 

Development partners, who had fled from the County during Kaluki's regime are now trooping back in droves, fueled by Governor Malombe's transparency in the running of his administration and his unshakable commitment to serve the public. 

Listen below to Malinga's fiery speech 

Governor Malombe (right) with Sombe MCA Malinga Munyao and former Sombe MCA Katheke during the Wetland restoration event in Kitui East.

Governor Malombe plants bamboo grass at a Wetland in Sombe Ward. With him is Energy, Minerals and Environment county minister Mwendandu 


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