
Showing posts from September, 2021

Why Dr Malombe's Candidature Is People Driven

Popular Dr Malombe Dr Julius Malombe's candidature for Kitui gubernatorial seat has become a monumental sensation. So much are the voters intrigued by Dr Malombe's comeback that his has become an unstoppable bid.  Because Dr Malombe's candidature is people driven. The candidate has the entire Kitui populace firmly behind him. Whatever Dr Malombe's does, he has no choice but to become the next Governor. Kitui population has vowed not to accept anything less.  And that's for a good cause. Yet it is this love and confidence from the people towards Malombe that is causing so much fear, jealousy, and confusion to the withering competing camps. Through their vain advisors, the competitors are trying to craft lazy propaganda to discredit the pioneer governor but voters have urged Dr Malombe to stick his eyes on the ball. " Listen not to the naysayers. It is us who have called for your comeback. We know what your leadership means for the county. You have our back"

Why Kalonzo Trusts Dr Malombe 100% Over The Others

H.E Kalonzo Musyoka It is said you will know a friend by how they behave towards you depending on the circumstances. There are friends who will flock to your door only when they want favours. Once they realize the favours are not coming their way, they abandon you and even backbite. In fact, such are outright enemies.  And this is not different even in politics. In our local scenario, and among the aspirants for Kitui's gubernatorial race, let us soberly interrogate who has been a true friend and  supporter to community's kingpin Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka. David Musila The last elections just proved what Kalonzo had always suspected of Musila; that he is a wolf in sheep's skin and was only lying around to use Kalonzo to advance his selfish agenda. Soon after Musila was defeated by Dr Malombe in the Wiper primaries, he resigned as Wiper chairman, a position he had been appointed to by Kalonzo, ditched Wiper party and ditched Kalonzo. It was not enough that he dumped Kalonzo bu

Miserable Kiema, Needy Bandits & Imaginary Defectors

Retired legislator Kiema  They say desperate times call for desperate gimmicks, even clutching on straws as sure death beckons.   This saying aptly describes one Kiema Kilonzo and his patch up gubernatorial bid,  which is dead on rocks. Nowhere in the entire Kitui county is Kiema being mentioned. Not even at his home village of Kavalula or Kyanika, where recently, a man who tried to sell Kiema's candidature was nearly lynched.  " Ikala nzi we, Kiema nuu yu? Vau vai wiya.. ." women voters jeered, dismissing Kiema as a hopeless case. So it happens that Kiema is running scared. His withering camp is besieged by hot diarrhoea and panic after realizing Dr Julius Malombe is scaling heights with unmatched ratings.  Truth be told, if Dr Malombe was competing with Kiema, even for anything, Daktari would just relax at home. The man from Kavalula is a tadpole!  And so to try and twerk up his dead ratings, Kiema pretends to be competing with Dr Malombe. How laughable. Figures show Dr

Raila Is Unfit, Don't Impose Him On Us - Professional Tells Uhuru

Campbell Munyambu A Mwingi based professional and a businessman has sounded an alarm to retiring president Uhuru Kenyatta against imposing ODM leader Raila Odinga on Kenyans. Campbell Munyambu, who is also a Wiper party member and a close ally of the party leader Kalonzo Musyoka noted that Raila's time in active politics is over, saying he should retire and pave way for others. Munyambu noted that Raila had unsuccessfully contested for presidency for 4 consecutive times, saying that Kenyans were now fatigued by his perennial candidacy. On two of those occasions, Munyambu said the Kamba community had rallied behind the Luo leader but received zero benefits. "The president should stand guided. Raila is unwanted and is not popular as he used to be. If anything, his support has remained only in Luo Nyanza and maybe in city's slums where some members of his community dwell" Munyambu told Homeland News desk. He dismissed Raila as a tribalist and a selfish person who is in

Ground Iko Na Kyuma - Ngilu's Opinion Poll Shows

Popularity poll In yet another opinion poll commissioned by outgoing Kaluki Ngilu and her slaves, Dr Julius Malombe has walloped his competitors to smithereens.  Out of the 420 sample size of respondents who voted in the Facebook Opinion poll on the most popular gubernatorial candidate, Dr Malombe emerged tops with majority votes at 66.2 % (278) while Ngilu came a distant second with 27.1 % (114).  David Musila, who retired to the museums of Kenya due to his advanced age managed a scrappy 28 votes, representing a pitiable 6.7 %. Curiously, the Ngilu's poll makers did not include Kiema Kilonzo and Jonathan Mueke, dismissing the two as laughable jokers and non starters. The Poll has buttressed what the ground is like where the voters are urgently and strongly lobbying for Dr Malombe's comeback to rescue the county from the clutches of Ngilu's destruction and wanton looting.  What was more curious about the poll was that most of those who voted for Ngilu bore names from Wester

I Am The Solution To Kitui Problems - Asserts Dr Malombe

Dr Julius Malombe Incoming Kitui governor Dr Julius Malombe is seeking to right the wrongs inflicted on Kitui residents by the quack leadership of mbee nzei administration. Addressing Ngomeni residents when he attended the funeral of Mary Muli Kivoto at Kimela village, Dr Malombe regretted that the county was stuck and nothing was moving in terms of development.  The pioneer governor said he will be seeking to come back as governor so as to JumpStart the development train.  He noted that the county under outgoing Kaluki Ngilu has sunk to dangerous levels due to mismanagement, looting of resources and raw incompetence. Dr Malombe, hailed for his stellar track record when he served as governor, said he has the magic wand to take Kitui back to her development path.  " I will be in the ballot and ask for your support. You all know the county is stuck, like a car deep in mud, but with your support, we shall rescue our county for the benefit of all. All I ask of you is  prayers and supp